The type of parent I hope to be is a supportive and comprehensive one, so that my children will have sufficient trust in me and be able to tell me their problems. Someone that gives their children good advice so when they grow up and move on into the "real world" they are able to make their own wise decisions and tell them that life is not always perfect, that there will always be an obstacle in their way but they have to learn to go through it. I will deal with my teenager by giving them examples of other people's lives and how the bad decisions they decide to make will at the end only effect him/her. If my children misbehave I plan to become a stricter parent which would mean that i would loose the trust in them and I take certain privileges away. I believe i would be similar to Ignacio's father because i can imagine what he was feeling and going through as a parent with his son. He had high expectations from his son and even though he was never the son he expected to have he loved him no matter what.

Mexico is a country with a huge diversity of topography and climate. But according to the literature it seems that Mexico is all a dry desert. But it is also a country that has a moderate temperature throughout the year. Depending on where you go you can see dry deserts,mountains,beaches and beautiful green landscapes. It also is a country with very hot bright sunny days, when you don't even want to go outside because the temperature is unbearable.
Yesenia N.